Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

General Guide 
SciEnggJ will publish scientifically significant papers concerning the Natural, Physical, Mathematical and Social Sciences, including those related to Agriculture, Education, Engineering, Health and Environmental Issues, and Technology. It is assumed that a submitted manuscript is original and has not been published before, nor is being submitted partly or wholly in any other journal. It is further assumed that no part of the manuscript has been plagiarized, nor quoted without proper attribution. It is also assumed that the analyses and conclusions are not based on fraudulent data. Complete and appropriate referencing and attribution to the work of others, including to one's previous work, are expected. All submitted manuscripts will be subjected to review by experts.

Information regarding the appropriate and applicable government permits and other legal requirements obtained to conduct human, indigenous peoples, animal, and biodiversity studies must be specified.

Authors' responsibilities:
All manuscripts are expected to include a complete list of references. It is assumed that all authors have significantly contributed to the research. A formal statement on the authenticity of all the data presented in the article and of the procedures used is required. A declaration of all financial support and conflicts of interest is also required. Should any mistakes be detected after the submission of the manuscript, the authors are expected to immediately notify the Editors. Serious anomalies in the data, or analyses, that invalidate the paper's conclusions should lead to a voluntary retraction from the authors. In the event of any allegations of ethical misconduct by authors, the editors may initiate an investigation to decide on appropriate actions. It is understood that all authors have read the Ethics policy of SciEnggJ.

Reviewers' responsibilities:
It is expected that all comments, criticisms, and judgments are objective. All manuscripts being reviewed should be treated with strict confidentiality. Reviewers are expected not to have any conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research funders. Knowledge of work by the authors or by others that duplicate the submission, or which are relevant but had not been cited, should be pointed out to the Editors.

Editorial responsibilities:
The Editor in charge of a submission will have complete responsibility and authority to reject or accept the submission. When accepting responsibility for a submission, it is assumed that the Editor has no conflict of interest with respect to the subject matter of the article, nor with the authors or the research funders. When accepting a submission, the Editor attests to its validity and scientific significance. Editors should be alert to errors and, especially, to fraud and in such cases should recommend rejection. Since anonymity could lead to abuse, SciEnggJ advocates transparency in the review process and encourages reviewers to allow themselves to be identified in the published paper. However, reviewers who wish to remain anonymous will not be identified. Moreover, if one of the reviewers wishes to remain anonymous, none will be identified.

Publishing ethics issues:
SciEnggJ will do its best to maintain the integrity of the academic record and scientific publishing. The members of the Editorial Board will be regularly reminded of the publication ethics to which SciEnggJ subscribes. Safeguards will be taken to ensure that no fraudulent data or plagiarized material will be published. There will be no hesitation to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, or apologies when needed. SciEnggJ is not a business enterprise and publication in the journal is free and all articles are freely available to everyone, so that business interest will not conflict with its intellectual and ethical standards.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

SciEnggJ recognizes the importance of ethical considerations in scientific and engineering research involving human subjects, animals, or sensitive data. Ethical approval ensures the protection of participants' rights, welfare, and privacy, as well as the integrity and credibility of research findings. These guidelines outline the requirements and expectations for obtaining ethical approval for research submitted to SciEnggJ.

Human Subjects

Ethical Review:
Research involving human subjects must undergo ethical review and approval by an appropriately constituted institutional review board (IRB), ethics committee, or similar regulatory body. The review process should assess the ethical implications of the research, including risks to participants, informed consent procedures, and safeguards for privacy and confidentiality.

Informed Consent:
Researchers should obtain informed consent from all human participants, providing clear and understandable information about the nature, purpose, risks, and benefits of the study. Participants should have the opportunity to ask questions and freely consent to participate without coercion or undue influence.

Privacy and Confidentiality:
Researchers should take measures to protect the privacy and confidentiality of human subjects, including the secure handling and storage of data, anonymization or de-identification of sensitive information, and limited access to personal data to authorized personnel only.

Vulnerable Populations:
Special consideration should be given to the ethical treatment of vulnerable populations, such as children, elderly individuals, persons with disabilities, or those with diminished decision-making capacity. Additional safeguards may be necessary to protect the rights and welfare of these participants.

Animal Welfare

Ethical Review:
Research involving animals must be conducted in accordance with ethical standards for animal welfare and obtain approval from an institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) or similar oversight body. The review process should assess the scientific and ethical justifications for using animals in research, as well as the measures taken to minimize pain, distress, and suffering.

Humane Treatment:
Researchers should ensure that animals are treated humanely and ethically throughout the research process, including housing, handling, and experimental procedures. Procedures causing unnecessary pain or distress should be minimized or avoided whenever possible.

Reduction, Replacement, Refinement:
Researchers should adhere to the principles of the 3Rs (reduction, replacement, refinement) to minimize the use of animals in research, refine experimental techniques to reduce pain and suffering, and replace animal models with non-animal alternatives whenever feasible.

Sensitivity to Cultural and Social Contexts

Cultural Sensitivity:
Researchers should demonstrate sensitivity to cultural differences and respect for cultural practices and beliefs when conducting research involving human subjects from diverse cultural backgrounds. Cultural considerations should be integrated into the research design, recruitment strategies, and informed consent processes.

Community Engagement:
Research involving indigenous or marginalized communities should prioritize community engagement, consultation, and collaboration throughout the research process. Researchers should seek input from community stakeholders, respect traditional knowledge and practices, and ensure that research benefits are shared equitably with the community.

Compliance and Documentation

Compliance Assurance:
Authors submitting research to SciEnggJ should provide documentation demonstrating compliance with ethical standards and regulatory requirements for human subjects research, animal welfare, or other relevant ethical considerations. This may include copies of IRB or IACUC approval letters, informed consent forms, and documentation of adherence to ethical guidelines.

Ethical Statements:
Authors should include a statement in their manuscript describing the ethical considerations associated with the research, including details of ethical review and approval, informed consent procedures, and measures taken to protect participants' rights and welfare.

© 2025 SciEnggJ
Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering