VOLUME 5 NUMBER 2 (July to December 2012)


Philipp. Sci. Lett. 2012 5 (2) 139-149
available online: September 28, 2012

*Corresponding author
Email Address: mariaruthpineda@gmail.com
Submitted: April 01, 2012
Revised: June 25, 2012
Accepted: July 17, 2012


Ascaris suum infective eggsupregulate IL-4, 5 and 10 in BALB/cmice

by Maria Ruth B. Pineda1,2,4*and John Donnie A. Ramos1,3,4

1UST The Graduate School,
2Department of Medical Technolgy, Faculty of Pharmacy,
3Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science,
4Research Center for the Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Santo Tomas, Manila,
Experimental animals such as BALB/c mice areinvaluable models in the elucidation of immuneresponses in parasitic infections. The present studydetermined the effect of the infective eggs ofAscaris suum in BALB/c mice through themeasurement of cytokine and immunoglobulin levels. ThirtyBALB/c mice were randomly grouped into normal control group(NC) and Ascaris group (AS), divided into three trials (5 miceper group per trial). Those in the AS group were chronicallyinfected with Ascaris suum (As) eggs, while those in the NCgroup were given placebos. At days 0, 36 and 72, stool sampleswere collected for fecalysis and formalin ether concentrationtechnique (FECT) while blood samples were extracted and usedfor ELISA for the measurement of cytokines and As-specificantibodies. Liver, lungs and small intestines were harvested forhistopathologic analysis. Chronic Ascaris suum infection inBALB/c mice significantly increased the levels of IL-4, IL-5,and IL-10. It did not significantly change the level of As-specificIgE but slightly increased the level of As-specific IgG. Stoolspecimens from all mice showed negative fecalysis and FECTresults. Pathological conditions were observed from the liver,lungs and small intestines of infected mice. Ascaris suum iscapable of infecting BALB/c mice, which indicates that it cancross species barrier. Immune response of mice was modulatedthrough production of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10 and As-specific IgG.

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