VOLUME 5 NUMBER 2 (July to December 2012)


Philipp. Sci. Lett. 2012 5 (2) 169-186
available online: November 13, 2012

*Corresponding author
Email Address: jmaddawe@up.edu.ph; joel.addawe@gmail.com
Submitted: September 15, 2011
Revised: June 25, 2012
Accepted: July 30, 2012


Analysis of age-structured malariatransmission model

by Joel M. Addawe1,* , Jose Ernie C. Lope2

1Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of the Philippines Baguio2Institute of Mathematics, University of the Philippines Diliman
In this paper, we propose a model to study the dynamicsof malaria in an age-structured human host. Our modeldivides the human population into two compartments:pre-school (0-5 years) and the rest of the humanpopulation. The results of our mathematical analysisindicate that the disease-free equilibrium is asymptotically stableand occurs whenever the basic reproduction number R0 is lessthan unity. For R0 > 1, the disease-free equilibrium point isunstable. Using published demographic epidemiologicalparameters, our numerical simulations suggest that a unique,stable endemic equilibrium exists.

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