VOLUME 5 NUMBER 1 (January to June 2012)


Philipp. Sci. Lett. 2012 5 (1) 007-013
available online: January 13, 2013


Hallmarks of a Genuine Scientist:
An Inspiration and Example of "Paying it Forward"

by Leopold L. Ilag

Department of Analytical Chemistry, StockholmUniversity, Sweden
"There is no such thing as barren soil, onlybarren minds"...inspiring words fromhis father which continues to resonate inthe heart and mind of AcademicianProfessor Romulo G. Davide of Argao,Cebu. Born to Hilario P. Davide Sr and Josefa L. Gelbolingo, heis the 5th of 7 children. His younger brother went on to become aChief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines.Rebuilding from the aftermath of war, his humble childhoodrooted him to be mindful of the plight of the poor. Heexemplifies the inspiring example of an accomplished scientistwho makes his craft matter and hands them down for the successand prosperity of his fellow men.

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