VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2 (July to December 2013)


Philipp. Sci. Lett. 2013 6 (2) 225-230
available online: November 25, 2013


Hard work pays off:Getting to Know
Dr. Ernesto Domingo

by Jortan Tun

Marine Natural Products Laboratory, The Marine ScienceInstitute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Reading life stories of scientists is a perfect way toget inspiration, encouragements, valuable tips,best practices, and insights that may help buddingscientists generate the motivation they need to dogreat work. A recount of the life and work ofNational Scientist Ernesto O. Domingo is among the mostinspiring.

When I was asked to write an article about him, I felthonored, yet uncertain. I inquired naively: "Who is ErnestoDomingo?" We certainly have read a lot about foreign scientists:Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and Charles Darwin to name afew. But we, particularly the young investigators, hardly knowour own scientists and their contributions to the country. And ifyou are like me, you probably have not heard of Dr. ErnestoDomingo.

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