VOLUME 6 NUMBER 1 (January to June 2013)


Philipp. Sci. Lett. 2013 6 (1) 074-083
available online: March 27, 2013

*Corresponding author
Email Address: fredes25@yahoo.com
Received: May 22, 2012
Revised: February 27, 2013
Accepted: February 27, 2013


Responses of rice (Oryza sativa lineLX278) calli and seedlings to salinitytreatment: Towards the developmentfor salt tolerance

by Fredeslinda C. Evangelista1*, Rhodora R. Aldemita2, and Lilian B. Ungson3

1Department of Biology, University of the Philippines Manila, Padre Faura, Taft Avenue, Manila
2Philippine Rice Research Institute, Maligaya Munoz, Nueva Ecija
3Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines Diliman, Diliman, Quezon City
Saline soil is a major problem that affects growth andyield of rice, the staple food in the Philippines;hence, there is a need to develop a local variety thatcan thrive under this condition for sustainableproduction. The goal of the study is to obtainbaseline information regarding the responses of rice (Oryzasativa line LX278) calli and seedlings to salt. This is importantprior to genetic transformation so that any improvement ingrowth performance, after transformation, could be attributed tothe introduced salinity tolerance gene. Results showed that themean fresh weight of LX278 rice calli exposed to variousconcentrations of NaCl, ranging from 50mM to 175mM,significantly decreased as the concentrations of NaCl increasedcompared to the control. Prolonged exposure of up to a monthwith 150 mM NaCl and 175mM NaCl restricted and inhibited,respectively, the growth of calli. Two-way ANOVA (analysis ofvariance) showed that the effect of the interaction of saltconcentration and the duration of exposure on mean fresh weightof calli was highly significant. Meanwhile, LX278 rice seedlingsin hydroponics, exposed to NaCl of EC=12 dSm-1, exhibited asalt sensitive response, relative to Pokkali, the tolerant control,and IR 29, the highly susceptible control, 16 days after initialsalinization using the rating system based on visual symptoms ofsalt toxicity. Results of the present study agree with earlierfindings that rice tolerates salinities of up to 30mM ~ 3dS m-1and, beyond this, growth is compromised because of osmoticand ionic effects.

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