VOLUME 7 NUMBER 2 (July to December 2014)

PSL%202014 vol07-no02-p347-349%20Barghi

Philipp. Sci. Lett. 2014 7 (2) 347-349
available online: October 13, 2014

Published: October 13, 2014


Michael Purugganan: evolution of a scientist from chemistry to plant genomics

by Neda Barghi

Ph.D. candidate and Research Associate studying Conoidean snail genomes and transcriptomes and bacterial genomes at The Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines - Diliman.

As researchers and scientists, we all read articles in prestigious journals such as Science and Nature, and secretly wish that one day the results of our scientific research would also get published in these journals. We usually imagine that such recognition will serve as a great milestone in our careers, and we may enjoy a smoother path in our professional lives afterwards. However, with the advent of new technologies and more advanced methods in research, exciting and new opportunities emerge in different fields of science that will intrigue our minds and captivate our hearts for knowing the unknown. Clearly, it takes a curious and brave individual to leave a convenient situation to discover the exciting unknown, and that is exactly what Dr. Michael Purugganan did.

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