VOLUME 13 NUMBER 1 (January to June 2020)

PSL%202019 vol12-no02-p133-138-Mikita%20and%20Padlan

Philipp. Sci. Lett. 2020 13 (1) 72-75
available online: June 30, 2020

*Corresponding author
Email Address: najeenarabelle.rula@g.batstate-u.edu.ph
Date received: May 11, 2020
Date revised: June 23, 2020
Date accepted: June 30, 2020


The VIP CORALS Marine Repository Hub: Laying foundations for science and discovery in the VIP

by Najeen Arabelle M. Rula*1,2,3, Jayvee Ablaña Saco1,2, Joshua M. Vacarizas4, Jovy Ann Patchicoy Valera1,2,3, Emilia Andrea V. Sabban5, and Romel U. Briones1,3

1Verde Island Passage Center for Oceanographic Research and Aquatic Life
      Science–Lobo (VIP CORALS–Lobo), Batangas State University, Lobo,
      Batangas, Philippines
2College of Arts and Sciences, Batangas State University, Rizal Ave.,
      Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines
3College of Agriculture and Forestry, Batangas State University,
      Lobo, Batangas, Philippines
4Department of Marine Resource Science and Kuroshio Science Program,
      Kochi University, Nankoku, Japan
5The Marine Science Institute, College of Science,
      University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City,
      Metro Manila, Philippines
The Philippines is said to be the center of the center of marine shore fish biodiversity because of a key marine biodiversity corridor known as the Verde Island Passage (VIP), which has up to 1,736 species over a 10 x 10 km area (Carpenter and Springer 2005). The VIP harbors a vast and rich marine life and is home to numerous other marine organisms, from microorganisms to seagrass, seaweeds, mangroves, corals and other invertebrates, cetaceans, and other species of fish, many of which have yet to be documented. Given the known threats on the marine environment, studies have noted that the VIP is an area of extremely high priority for biodiversity conservation (PAWB 2009; Asaad et al. 2018).

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