VOLUME 14 NUMBER 1 (January to June 2021)

PSL%202021 vol14-no01-p12-28-Mikita%20and%20Padlan

Philipp. Sci. Lett. 2021 14 (1) 141-146
available online: June 30, 2021

*Corresponding author
Email Address: rdtadle@ust.edu.ph
Date received: September 04, 2020
Date revised: February 18, 2021
Date accepted: June 16, 2021


Religiosity Protects Men from HPV-Driven Head and Neck Cancers: The Oral Sex Antipathy Hypothesis

Rene Tadle*1,2, John Rey Macindo3,4, Custer Deocaris5,6, and Pia Marie Albano7,8
1Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Letters,
      University of Santo Tomas, España, Manila, Philippines
2Research Center for Culture, Arts, and Humanities,
      University of Santo Tomas, España, Manila, Philippines
3Faculty of Management and Development Studies,
      University of the Philippines - Open University,
      Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines
4Nursing Service Office, AMOSUP Seamen’s Hospital,
      Cabildo corner San Jose Street, Intramuros,
      Manila, Philippines
5Biomedical Research Section,
      Philippine Nuclear Research Institute,
      Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PNRI),
      Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City
6Technological Institute of the Philippines,
      Cubao, Aurora Blvd, Quezon City, Philippines
7Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science,
      University of Santo Tomas, España, Manila, Philippines
8Research Center for the Natural and Applied Sciences,
      University of Santo Tomas, España, Manila, Philippines
Among the risk factors for HPV-driven head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) are the higher number of oral-sex or oral-anal sex partners. Thus, in the light of the etiology of HPV-driven HNSCC arising from oral sex, we propose the protective role played by a religious view of sex - one that is purely for procreation within the marital bond and not simply for bodily pleasures. To test our hypothesis, the relationship among the levels of religiosity, the engagement in oral sex, and the development of HPV-driven HNSCC shall be determined using regression-based analyses. It is vital to validate this hypothesis in the Philippines, which may also apply to other countries with a similar cultural pattern. Given permissive trends, it stands to reason that oral sex, being part of the youth's standard sexual script, may drive the rise of HPV-driven HNSCC in the years to come. Since the engagement in oral sex among adolescents is not without health risk, raising awareness on oral sex as a public and medical health issue is vital. Our recommendations include urgent discussions among policymakers, clinicians, and the public on promoting vaccination of young adults, male or female, against HPV before sexual debut. Further, the Catholic Church should ensure that the sex education programs it offers to the youth must integrate the moral and spiritual aspects of the sexual act with contentious issues on sexuality including the danger and consequences of sexual behaviors such as oral sex.

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Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering