VOLUME 17 NUMBER 1 (January to June 2024)

PSL%202021 vol14-no01-p12-28-Mikita%20and%20Padlan

SciEnggJ. 2024 17 (1) 001-007
available online: January 10, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54645/VTHW47150

*Corresponding author
Email Address:
Date received: June 21, 2023
Date revised: November 6, 2023
Date accepted: December 18, 2023


Optimizing registry of inhabitants’ record management: the development of municipal consolidation system for local governance

Madelyn B. Manun-og*1 and James Brian Flores2

1Southern Leyte State University-Hinunangan, IT Department,
      Hinunangan, Southern Leyte
2Southern Leyte State University-Sogod, IT Department, Sogod,
      Southern Leyte

KEYWORDS: AxiomTM Records Management; Municipality of Hinunangan; Registry of Inhabitants; Municipal Consolidation System; Local Governance; Iterative Waterfall Model; System Usability Scale; ISO 9126-1

This study focuses on developing a municipal consolidation system to optimize the registry of inhabitants' records management and address local government units' challenges. The system was created employing the iterative waterfall model, anchored to the system development life cycle framework. It is a cross-platform application, runnable on Windows and Android operating systems. The system underwent user testing and evaluations utilizing the system usability scale measure and an evaluation patterning the ISO 9126-1 software quality model standard to ensure its functionality. The results of the testing and evaluations show positive feedback from users, indicating that the developed system meets the users' needs and requirements and has a high acceptance rate from the local government unit. Therefore, the system can be considered a successful support tool for local governance. Consequently, we recommend that other local government units in the region adopt the system to improve their record management practices.

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Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering