VOLUME 17 (Supplement)

SciEnggJ%202024%20Special%20Issue%201 7 Pasham%20et%20al

SciEnggJ 17 (Supplement) 112-119
available online: April 19, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54645/202417SupAVR-28

*Corresponding author
Email Address: ddlberto@aup.edu.ph
Date received: January 30, 2024
Date revised: March 01, 2024
Date accepted: March 08, 2024


Predictors of interdependent happiness among health science students during the COVID-19 pandemic

Demuel Dee L. Berto*1, D. Darwin A. Dasig1, Leticia T. Ibanez1, and Marlon L. Bayot2

1Department of Physiology, College of Medicine,
    University of the Philippines, Manila, 1004 Philippines
2Coach MLB Consulting, Manila, 1004 Philippines

KEYWORDS: Sleep quality, dietary habits, social support, interdependent happiness, COVID-19

There are limited studies on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of Filipino health science students, mainly those correlating a unique culturally related construct, such as interdependent happiness (IDH), to physiologic, health, and psychosocial factors. Cross-sectional data were collected to investigate the factors predicting the IDH of students at a private university during the COVID-19 pandemic. A seven-part online survey was completed by 180 respondents using convenience sampling. There was no evidence of multicollinearity issues in any of the independent variables. The findings revealed that 100% of respondents had poor sleep quality, a morning chronotype, and better eating habits. The majority (81%) had low levels of physical activity, low levels of social support (60%), and average levels of IDH (36.1%). Bivariate analyses revealed that sleep quality and chronotype were negatively associated with IDH. Dietary habits and social support were found to have a moderately positive relationship with IDH. Physical activity was not found to be significantly related to IDH. Regression analysis revealed three variables significantly associated with IDH: sleep quality, dietary habits, and social support. When age, gender, college, year level, family income, body mass index, and grade point average were all considered, there were no significant differences in the IDH of health science students. This study shows that sleep quality, dietary habits, and social support all predict IDH and should be considered when managing the psychological impact of COVID-19 or any future pandemics among students.

© 2025 SciEnggJ
Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering