VOLUME 17 (Supplement)

SciEnggJ%202024%20Special%20Issue%20148 154 Maarof%20et%20al

SciEnggJ 17 (Supplement) 148-154
available online: April 29, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54645/202417SupVCB-72

*Corresponding author
Email Address: muhammadizzat.maarof@newinti.edu.my
Date received: April 27, 2023
Date revised: December 30, 2023
Date accepted: December 31, 2023


Static analysis of new lightweight racing wheel for Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (FSAE) race car for product innovation

Muhammad I. N. Ma’arof*1, Anies F. Zakaria2, Girma T. Chala3, Riang Liang1, Nurzaki Ikhsan4, and Mohamad F. M. Nasir5

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, INTI International University, Nilai,
2Department of Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering and Built
     Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
3International College of Engineering and Management, Muscat, Oman
4School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering,
     Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
5STARE Resources Sdn. Bhd., Wisma Rampai, 2-4-29, Fourth Floor,
     Jalan 34/26, Taman Sri Rampai, 53300, Wilayah Persekutuan
     Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

KEYWORDS: Static analysis, Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (FSAE), wheel design, product innovation, ISO3006:2015 standards

A lightwheel has the potential to be widely used to enhance the safety of racing cars and improve car performance by providing an estimation of wheel width spokes quantity, and other constant variables. This study is, therefore, aimed at designing a new lightweight racing wheel. In this study, a Finite Element Model (FEA) was implemented to investigate the static analysis of the newly designed lightweight racing wheel. Since the lightweight wheel characteristics play an important role in the stability and control of the racing car under severe manoeuvres, the wheel mass, von Mises stress, deformation, and safety factor were determined. It was observed that the circumferential component is vital for estimating the lightweight design of racing car wheel design. Therefore, this parameter could be better assessed for future studies.

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Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering